Notorious BOZ

Notorious BOZ is a long-form improv show that celebrates the city of Bozeman, its history and its incredible citizens. Every show will feature a guest "Armando" or monologist who will share stories from their life. The cast will then use those stories as inspiration to create characters and scenes and bring it all together in a completely hilarious and improvised show!

This week's Armando is Banner Plumb! Banner likes 2 things: Getting out of his comfort zone and learning. This took him to Hawaii right after college where he worked with a nonprofit educating on native Hawaiian agriculture. He also started a climbing business, shaped his own surfboard, and enjoyed chopping coconuts at the Sunday farmers market. In November of 2022, the pendulum swung hard and dropped him in beautiful Bozeman, Montana in the middle of winter with just a backpack. He now spends his days backcountry skiing, playing sand volleyball, running, climbing, playing pickleball, building bikes at the Bike Kitchen, and improvising.

Tickets are $15 / No Drink Minimum

Notorious BOZ is a part of a great line-up of improv shows on a Saturday night. After purchase of your ticket you will receive a code to get half off of the two other shows on the night.


Last Best Comedy
321 E Main, Alley Entrance
On Sale
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8:00 pm
Last Best Comedy